Weather Forecast- comprehension questions
A weather forecast is a...
- description of the weather
- story about the weather in the past
- prediction of the weather in the future
This weather forecast is about...
- the United Kingdom
- North America
- the European Community
This forecast is...
- for the whole country
- for the North of the country
- only for some cities
The cities they mention are...
- New Orleans, Boston and Chicago
- New York, San Francisco and Chicago
- New Hampshire, Georgia and Chicago
The weather will be...
- cold in New York
- hot in New York
Sunday in New York will be...
- cold
- hot
Plenty of water means...
- little water
- some water
- a lot of water
When it's very hot you must...
- stay in the sun for a long time
- stay in the sun only for a short time
A breeze is a...
- strong wind
- a gentle wind
A t-shirt has...
- short sleeves
- long sleeves
What will the weather be like in San francisco during the day?
- Nice and warm
- Bad and cold
Tuesday in San Frrancisco will be...
- dry and sunny
- rainy